Saturday 9 July 2016

JAIIB - 103 - MOCK TEST - 3

:: TEST No:JIB-103-SLBMG01-E100 :: No of Questions:  100   ::   Time Allowed : 80  Minutes
Directions: Please Tick Appropiate Option and Submit, Inform Serial Number of Questions where you need detailed Explanations to or Massage to 9462900411

Question 1:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
A Blue Chip means
a) Excellent Management Professional
b)Shares of good Companies
c) Reinforced Concrete
d) Blue Coloured Precious Stones
5. 626 districtsx

Answer: b)Shares of good Companies

Question 2:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
A Bridge finance is extended for overcoming
a) Delay in getting of the public issue
b)Delay in disbursement of term loan
c) Delay in disbursement of working capital for completing the documentation
d) For A & B
5. ` 50,000

Answer: d) For A & B

Question 3:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
As per SEBI guidelines , any entity /person engaged in the marketing and selling of mutual funds products is required to pass a certification test and obtain a registration number from case of
a) SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India)
b)AMFI (Association of Mutual Funds in India )
c) NSE (National Stock Exchange)
d) A, B & C
5. None of these

Answer: b)AMFI (Association of Mutual Funds in India )

Question 4:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
Interest charged in advance accounts as per RBI directive can not be subject to scrutiny by court. This is provided in
a) Section 35A of BR Act
b)Section 21(A) of BR Act
c) Of BR Act
d) Section 26 of RBI Act
5. None of these

Answer: b)Section 21(A) of BR Act

Question 5:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
A floating charge means
a) Charge at the time or before the company is floated
b)Charge on all floating assets of the company
c) An equitable charge on all assets of the company
d) Any of the above.
5. None of these

Answer: c) An equitable charge on all assets of the company

Question 6:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
The charge by way of lien over goods belonging to a company must be registered with Registrar of Companies within a period of
a) 30 days of creation of law
b)This charge need not be registered as this is not hypothecation, mortgage etc
c) 30 days of default in repayment
d) A or C whichever is earlier
5. None of these

Answer: b)This charge need not be registered as this is not hypothecation, mortgage etc

Question 7:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
Hypothecation is defined in
a) Hypothecation Act
b)Indian Contract Act
c) Transfer of Property Act
5. None of these

Answer: d) SARFAESI Act

Question 8:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
The State Govt. wants to seize the goods pledged to bank as the borrower has defaulted in payment of tax. In this case,
a) Govt dues enjoys priority over bank dues
b)Bank dues enjoys priority over Government dues
c) Both enjoys equal priority
d) The Government cannot seize the goods.
5. All of these

Answer: b)Bank dues enjoys priority over Government dues

Question 9:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
The auctionable claim is assigned in favour of more than one assignee at different points of time. The priority of charge is determined with reference to date of
a) Execution of notice of assignment
b)Execution of the written instrument for assignment
c) Receipt of notice of assignment
d) NoA
5. Unit Linked Insurance Plan x

Answer: b)Execution of the written instrument for assignment

Question 10:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
A Mortgage cannot be enforced in the absence of
a) Delivery of the title deeds
b)Legal Opinion
c) Narration in Title deeds register
d) Pecuniary obligation.
5. None of these

Answer: d) Pecuniary obligation.

Question 11:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
A simple mortgage need be registered when
a) The Loan amount exceed Rs.100/-
b)Value of mortgaged property exceeds Rs.100/-
c) A or B whichever exceeds Rs.100/-
d) Both A & B
5. All the above

Answer: a) The Loan amount exceed Rs.100/-

Question 12:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
A Mortgage of the mortgaged property is called
a) Sub-mortgage
b)Second Mortgage
c) Re-mortgage
d) Fraudulent Mortgage
5. All the above

Answer: a) Sub-mortgage

Question 13:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
For determining the advance amount the shares will be valued on the basis of
a) Current market price
b)Average market price for the last 12 months
c) Face Value
d) A or B whichever is lower.
5. Rajasthan x

Answer: d) A or B whichever is lower.

Question 14:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
Assignment of LIC policy is done as per section------ of ------. Act.
a) 132 of Transfer of Property Act
b)38, Indian Insurance Act 1938
c) 138 of Contract Act
d) NOA
5. None of these

Answer: b)38, Indian Insurance Act 1938

Question 15:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
Government Promissory notes should be sent to public debt office to confirm genuiness of
a) The Promissory note
c) Alternations, if any
d) All the above.
5. None of these

Answer: d) All the above.

Question 16:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
Gold Loans are given only to properly introduced persons because of
a) RBI’s directives
b)Bank will lose the right to sell the gold if the pledgee’s title is defective
c) Sec.131 of Negotiable Instrument Act
d) All the above.
5. State Cooperative Banks

Answer: b)Bank will lose the right to sell the gold if the pledgee’s title is defective

Question 17:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
Reserve created out of profit from business operation is known as
a) Capital Reserve
b) Profit Reserve
c) Revenue Reserve
d) Free Reserve
5. Banking Codes and Standards Board of India

Answer: c) Revenue Reserve

Question 18:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
The following is a Term Liability
a) Debentures payable within a year from the date of Balance Sheet
b)Preference Shares payable within a period of one year from the date of Balance Sheet
c) Term Loan instalments payable in a year
d) Deposit from public payable in 2 years time.
5. None of these

Answer: d) Deposit from public payable in 2 years time.

Question 19:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
Investment in Shares of other companies can be classified as Current Asset only when the
a) Quoted
b)Relate to trade investment
c) A &B
d) Shares cannot be classified as Current Assets
5. Scotlandx

Answer: c) A &B

Question 20:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
The following is not usually classified as Other Non Current Assets
a) Advance given to Directors
b)Tender Deposit
c) Receivable outstanding beyond 12 months
d) Preliminary and Pre operative expenses
5. None of these

Answer: d) Preliminary and Pre operative expenses

Question 21:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
A unit is showing a net profit of Rs.46,000/-. Dividend received Rs.8000/-. Operating expenses is Rs.96000/-. Find the gross profit
a) 134000
b) 150000
c) 142000
d) 132000
5. None of these

Answer: a) 134000

Question 22:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
A firm paid Rs.16 lacs for purchase of a business with machinery worth Rs.10 lacs and other assets worth Rs.4 lacs. In this case the difference of Rs.2 lacs is treated as
a) P&L Loss on purchase of asset
b)Goodwill Intangible Asset
c) Fixed Asset by inflating the value of fixed asset
d) Current Asset by inflating the value of current asset
5. India

Answer: b)Goodwill Intangible Asset

Question 23:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
If a sum of Rs10,000/accumulates to Rs16,000/after 3 years at simple Interest , what is the rate of Interest.
a) 16%
c) 23%
d) 20%
5. None of these

Answer: d) 20%

Question 24:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
The Net Working Capital refers to
a) Liquid surplus
b)Borrowers Contributions from long term source to short term use
c) Excess Current Asset over Current Liability
d) All the above.
5. All of these x

Answer: d) All the above.

Question 25:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
The duration of an operating cycle in 30 days. The operating cycle in this case repeats------. times a year
a) 30 times
b)12 times
c) 10 times
d) 52 times
5. All 1, 2 and 3x

Answer: b)12 times

Question 26:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
The following is not a chargeable current assets
a) Book debt
c) Work in process
d) Construction work in progress
5. None of these

Answer: d) Construction work in progress

Question 27:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
As per RBI guidelines, a bank is required to assess the working capital on the basis of the following method
a) Turnover Method
b)Cash Budget Method
c) MPBF of Tandon Method
d) Any Method as decided by the individual banks
5. Handloomsx

Answer: d) Any Method as decided by the individual banks

Question 28:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
As per the Second method of lending the borrowers contribution from long term source
a) is minimum 25% of total current assets
b)is restricted to 25% of working capital gap
c) is 25% of other current liabilities
d) any amount which the unit can bring
5. It is an out dated system, not followed now

Answer: a) is minimum 25% of total current assets

Question 29:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
Total Current Asset of a unit is Rs.300 lacs. Other Current Liabilities is Rs.200 lacs. The MPBF as per Ist Method & 2nd method can be
a) 75 and 25 lacs
b)25 lacs and 75 lacs
c) Rs.100 lacs & Rs.150 lacs
d) Rs.20 lacs & Rs.80 lacs
5. 2006-2007

Answer: a) 75 and 25 lacs

Question 30:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
A borrower need not bring any matching contribution from long term sources in respect of
a) Export Receivables
b)Finished goods produced for a specific export order
c) Adhoc limits
d) A & B
5. None of these

Answer: a) Export Receivables

Question 31:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
A Company makes a single product with a sales price of Rs.10/- and a marginal cost of Rs.6/-. Fixed Cost are Rs.60000/- p.a. In this case, Number of units at break even
a) 15000
b) 10000
c) 6000
d) none of the above.
5. Dubai

Answer: a) 15000

Question 32:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
In the above problem, Profit Volume Ratio
a) 30%
b) 40%
c) 50%
d) 60%
5. Punjab

Answer: b) 40%

Question 33:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
The long term use is 120% of long term source. This indicates the unit has
a) CR 1.2
b)Negative TNW
c) Low Capital
d) Negative NWC
5. 5.0

Answer: d) Negative NWC

Question 34:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
Tangible Networth is computed by
a) Total Tangible Asset less outside liabilities
b)Capital, free reserves & surplus less Intangible Asset
c) Networth less Intangible Asset
d) All the above.
5. None of these

Answer: d) All the above.

Question 35:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
A company has a networth of Rs.5 lacs. Term liability Rs.10 lacs, Fixed Asset of Rs.16 lacs and Current Asset Rs.25 lacs. There is no intangible asset or ONCA. It's net working capital is
a) Rs. 10 lakhs
b) Rs. 1 lakh
c) Rs. 9 lakh
d) Rs. (-) 1 lakh
5. None of these

Answer: d) Rs. (-) 1 lakh

Question 36:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
Financial leverage means
a) use leveraged lease to plan tax liability
b)High degree of solvency
c) Law bank finance
d) Use of more debt capital to increase profit.
5. J&Kx

Answer: d) Use of more debt capital to increase profit.

Question 37:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
Diversion means
a) Diversifying to activities not related to main business
b)Retrenching employees
c) Use of Current Assets for payment of Term Liability
d) Use of Current Liabilities for long term use
5. None of these

Answer: d) Use of Current Liabilities for long term use

Question 38:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
Examine the following balance sheet to answer the question thereafter:

Liability Asset
Equity Capital 200 Gross Block 1000
Less: Dep 200
Preference Share Capital100 Net Block800
Term loan600 Inventory 300
Bank Overdraft400 Investment in Govt. Security50
Sundry Creditors 100 Preliminary expenses 100
Receivables 150
1400 1400

Q. Capital Gearing Ratio

a) 0.78
b) 1.20
c) 0.67
d) 0.87
5. None of these

Answer: a) 0.78

Question 39:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
Debt Equity Ratio is
a) 2:1
b) 3:1
c) 4:1
d) 1:1
5. 10.5

Answer: b) 3:1

Question 40:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
Total Outside Liability/TNW
a) 3.67:1
b) 5.50:1
c) 12 : 1
d) 6 : 1
5. Secretary-General FICCI

Answer: b) 5.50:1

Question 41:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
Net working capital
a) 100
b) NIL
c) 200
d) Cannot be calculated
5. Casual Informal Wage Employment and domestic work

Answer: b) NIL

Question 42:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
Quick Ratio
a) 0.4:1
b) 2.1:1
c) 1.5:1
d) 1:1
5. None of these

Answer: a) 0.4:1

Question 43:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
Total Tangible Asset
a) 1400
b) 1300
c) 1500
d) 1600
5. Orissa

Answer: b) 1300

Question 44:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
Opening stock of raw material is Rs.30 lacs, closing stock is Rs.50 lacs. Annual purchase is Rs.500 lacs. What is the average period of holding of Raw Materials?
a) 2 M
b)1.5 M
c) 1 M
d) NOA
5. Founder Micro Finance Institutions in India

Answer: c) 1 M

Question 45:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
Holding period of Receivables is calculated with reference to
a) Cost of Sales
b)Cost of Production
c) Gross Sales
d) NOA.
5. Non-conventional energy

Answer: c) Gross Sales

Question 46:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
Creditors Velocity expresses the
a) Maximum period for which credit is given
b)Average period of credit enjoyed
c) Minimum period of credit given
d) Minimum period for which credit enjoyed.
5. Repo Ratex

Answer: b)Average period of credit enjoyed

Question 47:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
The following is a “Means of Finance” for the cost of project
a) Leasing
c) Deferred Credit from Suppliers
d) All the above.
5. Indonesiax

Answer: d) All the above.

Question 48:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
For a large and medium units DSCR should be
a) Maximum 2:1
b) Maximum 1.5:1
c) Minimum 2:1
d) Minimum 1.5:1
5. Tata Groupx

Answer: c) Minimum 2:1

Question 49:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
Variable Cost and Sale Price remaining the same, a rise in fixed cost result in
a) High BEP ( High Break even point)
b)Low BEP
c) High Margin of Safety
d) B&C
5. Vietnam

Answer: a) High BEP ( High Break even point)

Question 50:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
What is the formula for charging compound interest with Annual Compounding.
a) I = Pnr
c) A = P( 1+r)n
d) Any of the 3
5. Myanmarx

Answer: c) A = P( 1+r)n

Question 51:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
What is the minimum period to be allowed to drawee to decide on acceptance / rejections of a usance bill
a) 2 Days
b)48 Hours
c) 48 Hrs including public holidays
d) 48 hrs excluding public holidays
5. None of these

Answer: d) 48 hrs excluding public holidays

Question 52:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
Ramesh deposited Rs 10,000/ for 3 years . The Interest is compounded annually at 10% . What will be the amount receivable by Ramesh at the end of 3 year period.
a) 13,310
c) 12,000
d) 13,300
5. None of these

Answer: a) 13,310

Question 53:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
While calculating the value of (1+.10)3 (to the power of 3) the same can be calculated
a) manually
b)using calculator
c) using MS Excel
d) all the above
5. None of these

Answer: b)using calculator

Question 54:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
Annuities are
a) The annual interest payable or receivable in a debt or an investment.
b)Lumpsum payment made any time during the course of a fixed period of time.
c) The total amount payable annually in respect of a debt or investment
d) Series of payments (many number of cash flows) made at a specified frequency over the course of a fixed period of time
5. None of these

Answer: d) Series of payments (many number of cash flows) made at a specified frequency over the course of a fixed period of time

Question 55:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
An Annuity is an ordinary Annuity if,
a) Payments are required to be made at the beginning of each period.
b)Payments are required to be made at the middle of each period
c) Payments are required to be made at ordinary installments
d) Payments are required to be made at the end of each period.
5. None of these

Answer: d) Payments are required to be made at the end of each period.

Question 56:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
The Marine Insurance Policy should be expressed in
a) Rupees
b)US Dollars
c) Same Currency in which the LC is drawn
d) Any foreign currency.
5. None of these

Answer: c) Same Currency in which the LC is drawn

Question 57:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
The discount rate which equals the present value of promised flow to the current market price /purchase price. This is known as
a) Yield to maturity
c) IRR
d) Treasury bills
5. None of these

Answer: a) Yield to maturity

Question 58:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
The value which the bond holder gets on maturity is called
a) Maturity value
c) the redemption value
d) IRR
5. None of these

Answer: c) the redemption value

Question 59:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
This is the amount by which an asset is expected to lose its value. What is this
a) Market value
b)Wear and tear
c) Depreciation
d) NAP
5. None of these

Answer: c) Depreciation

Question 60:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
EEFC can be opened in
a) Rupees
b)Any one of the four designated currencies
c) One of the permitted currencies
5. None of these

Answer: c) One of the permitted currencies

Question 61:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
A method of calculating depreciation of an asset , which assumes that the asset will lose an equal amount of value each year is known as
a) Salvage value
c) Straight line Method of calculation
d) Accumulated Depreciation
5. None of these

Answer: c) Straight line Method of calculation

Question 62:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
A credit facility will be classified as NPA if--------- remains past due for one quarter
a) Interest
c) A or B
d) A & B
5. None of these

Answer: c) A or B

Question 63:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
As per Prudential Accounting Norms prescribed by RBI, assets are classified into ------ type
a) 3
c) 4
d) 5
5. None of these

Answer: c) 4

Question 64:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
The home currency price of one unit of a foreign currency is quoted eg USD 1 = Rs43.20
a) Indirect quotation
b)Exchange rate
c) Rate of USD
d) Direct quotation
5. None of these

Answer: d) Direct quotation

Question 65:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
If the rate of a currency A is known in terms of currency B and rate of Currency B in terms of Currency C , we can derive the rate of currency A interms of Currency C using the technique of cross currency.
a) Exchange rate
b)Cross rate
c) Forward rate
d) None of the above
5. None of these

Answer: b)Cross rate

Question 66:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
As per NABARD guidelines the minimum Internal Rate of Return for Agricultural Project is
a) 15%
c) 30%
d) 18%
5. None of these

Answer: a) 15%

Question 67:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
In case of Direct quotation if the forward rate is more than spot rate the base currency is called as being at -----
a) Discount
b)Forward rate
c) Spot rate
d) Premium
5. None of these

Answer: d) Premium

Question 68:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
An operation by which one can make risk free profits making use of the interest differentials between two places is called.
a) Open market operation
c) Free market
d) Arbitrage
5. None of these

Answer: d) Arbitrage

Question 69:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
If the forward rate is less than the spot rate the base currency is said to be at
a) Discount
c) At par
d) None of the above.
5. None of these

Answer: a) Discount

Question 70:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
The amount which the owner of the business has invested in the firm and can claim from the firm is known as ------
a) Capital
c) Term Loan
d) Fixed Asset.
5. None of these

Answer: a) Capital

Question 71:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
The amount which the firm owe to outsiders
a) Assets
c) Liabilities
d) Intangible assets
5. None of these

Answer: c) Liabilities

Question 72:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
A person who owes money to a firm , mostly on account of credit sales of goods is called.
a) Creditor
b) Debtor
c) Borrower
d) lender
5. None of these

Answer: b) Debtor

Question 73:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
The balance sheet represents an expansion of the equation as Assets = Liabilities +Capital This statement is
a) Cannot be relied
c) Not acceptable
d) True
5. None of these

Answer: d) True

Question 74:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
Assets minus original capital = Liability
a) True
b) False
c) can be accepted
d) None of the above.
5. None of these

Answer: b) False

Question 75:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
If a firm borrows money its capital would be reduced
a) This statement is false
b)This statement is true
c) The same is acceptable
d) None of the above
5. None of these

Answer: a) This statement is false

Question 76:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
---------- is the value of an established business over and above the value represented by it’s tangible assets .
a) Assets
c) Goodwill
d) None of the above.
5. None of these

Answer: c) Goodwill

Question 77:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
If the partnership does not mention any method of maintaining capital account then ------- method of capital has to be used.
a) Fluctuating capital account
b)Partners Current account
c) Capital account
d) Fixed capital account
5. None of these

Answer: d) Fixed capital account

Question 78:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
The joining of a new person into the existing partnership as a partner is called
a) Retirement of a partner
b) Resolution of a partnership
c) Good will
d) Admission of a partner
5. None of these

Answer: d) Admission of a partner

Question 79:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
Under the -------- capital method two accounts are maintained for each partner viz current account and capital account.
a) Fixed Capital Method
b)Fluctuating capital method
c) Equity capital Method
d) Preference share capital
5. None of these

Answer: a) Fixed Capital Method

Question 80:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
As per new guidelines both SLR and non SLR securities are to be classified into
a) Held to maturity.
b)Available for sale
c) Held for trading
d) All the above .
5. None of these

Answer: d) All the above .

Question 81:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
Amount of Investment under Securities held to maturity should not exceed --------- of Bank’s total investment
a) Twenty percentage of the Bank’s total investment (20% of total investment)
b) Twenty five percentage of the Bank’s total investment (25% of total investment)
c) forty nine percentage of the Bank’s total investment (49% of total investment)
d) forty percentage of the Bank’s total investment (40 % of total investment)
5. None of these

Answer: b) Twenty five percentage of the Bank’s total investment (25% of total investment)

Question 82:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
The form of Balance sheet and Profit and loss account of a Banking Company is prescribed in forms A and B of -------------- schedule of the Banking Regulation Act 1949.
a) Second
c) First
d) Fourth
5. None of these

Answer: b)Third

Question 83:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
The Companies Act prohibits issue of any preference share that is -----------
a) cumulative
c) both a and b
d) Irredeemable
5. None of these

Answer: d) Irredeemable

Question 84:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
The capital which is stated in the Memorandum of Association is known as
a) Memorandum Capital
b)Paid up capital
c) Authorised capital
d) Issued capital
5. None of these

Answer: c) Authorised capital

Question 85:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
Authorised capital is also known as
a) Nominal or Registered Capital
b)Equity capital
c) Preference share capital
d) All the above
5. None of these

Answer: a) Nominal or Registered Capital

Question 86:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
When shares are issued at higher than the face value of the shares they are said to be issued at a
a) Discount -
b) Par-
c) Premium
e) None of the above
5. None of these

Answer: c) Premium

Question 87:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
Issue of shares at a discount should be authorized by the members by passing a resolution in the general meeting and resolution of members should specify the rate of discount which should not exceed 10% of the face value of the shares Further this is subject to
a) Obtention of sanction from Company Law Board
b)These shares must be issued with in 2 months
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the above
5. None of these

Answer: c) Both (a) and (b)

Question 88:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
According to section 79A inserted by Companies Amendment Act 1999 --------- shares means equity shares issued by the company to employees or directors at a discount or for consideration other than cash for providing know how or making available right in the intellectual property rights or value addition, by whatever name called.
a) Employees stock option
b)Equity shares
c) Sweat equity
d) None of the above.
5. None of these

Answer: c) Sweat equity

Question 89:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
A scheme under which the company grants option (A right but not an obligation ) to an employee to apply for shares of the company at a pre determined price is known as
a) Employees Stock Option Scheme (ESOS)
b)Equity shares
c) Sweat Equity
d) None of the above.
5. None of these

Answer: a) Employees Stock Option Scheme (ESOS)

Question 90:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
The formation of a company is governed by the rules and regulations as contained in
a) Indian Companies Act
b)RBI act
c) BR Act
d) None of the above.
5. None of these

Answer: a) Indian Companies Act

Question 91:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
Profit and Loss Account is one of the Final Accounts prepared by a Company. What is the other one.
a) Schedules to P&L accounts
b) Balance sheet
c) Trading Account
d) None of the above.
5. None of these

Answer: b) Balance sheet

Question 92:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
Liabilities that will arise on the happening of certain event
a) Current liabilities
b)Term Liabilities
c) Contingent Liabilities
d) None of the above
5. None of these

Answer: c) Contingent Liabilities

Question 93:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
Schedule VI of the Companies Act prescribes the form of
a) Balance sheet
b)Trading Account
c) Balance sheet
d) None of the above.
5. None of these

Answer: a) Balance sheet

Question 94:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
A computer Accounting system runs based on a set of instructions called the software programmes developed by a person who is a computer software professional and he is called -------
a) Programmer
b)Software Engineer
c) IT man
d) None of the above.
5. None of these

Answer: a) Programmer

Question 95:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
Accounting software may be written in any one of the computer languages such as
a) Windows, UNIX etc
b)JAVA C+ etc
c) COBOL, Foxpro etc
d) None of the above.
5. None of these

Answer: c) COBOL, Foxpro etc

Question 96:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
Computers are basically classified into
a) Analogue Computers and Digital computers
b)Hardware and software
c) Wipro and Infosysis
d) All the above
5. None of these

Answer: a) Analogue Computers and Digital computers

Question 97:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
A Customer Service Meet should be organized at every Branch
a) Once in a Fortnight
b) Once in a Quarter
c) Once in a Month
d) Once in a Half-Year
5. None of these

Answer: d) Once in a Half-Year

Question 98:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
Who cannot file a complaint under Consumer Protection Act?
a) Banks
b) State Government
c) Public Interest Litigation Group
d) Persons receiving services free of charge
5. None of these

Answer: d) Persons receiving services free of charge

Question 99:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
Banking Ombudsman is appointed by
a) Central Government / Ministry of Finance
b) State Government
d) RBI
5. None of these

Answer: d) RBI

Question 100:  SLBMG-JAIIB#9462900411--JIB-103-SL  
DRT has jurisdiction relating to cases pertaining to Banks, Financial Institutions with debt amount of
a) Rs. 1 lakh and above
b) Rs. 5 lakh and above
c) Rs. 10 lakh and above
d) Rs. 20 lakh and above
5. None of these

Answer: c) Rs. 10 lakh and above

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