Sunday 31 July 2016


TEST No:JIB-232-PPB-M-C-E020 :: No of Questions:  020   ::   Time Allowed : 16  Minutes
Directions: Please Tick Appropiate Option and Submit, Inform Serial Number of Questions where you need detailed Explanations to or Massage to 9462900411

Question 1:  
The term e-commerce includes ............................
A) Electronic trading of Physical goods and intangibles such as information. 
B) The electronic provision of services such as after sales support or online legal advice 
C) All the steps involved in trade, such as on-line marketing ordering payment and support for delivery. 
D) All of the above. 

Answer: D) All of the above

Question 2:  
Which of the following is the largest community in classification of e-commerce?
A) Business to Business (B to B) 
B) Business to Consumer (B to C) 
C) Business to Government (B to G) 
D) Government to Government (G to G) 

Answer: A) Business to Business (B to B)

Question 3:  
Which of the following is not the example of business to consumer (B to C) e-commerce?

Answer: B)

Question 4:  
The types of Business to Business e-commerce are ................
A) Direct selling and support to Business 
B) Industry portals 
C) Information sites about a industry 
D) All of the above 

Answer: D) All of the above

Question 5:  
Which of the following are the benefits of E-marketing?
i) Speed ii) Reach and Penetration iii) Ease and Efficiency iv) Low Cost v) Targeted audience

A) i, ii, iii and iv only 
B) ii, iii, iv and v only 
C) i, iii, iv and v only 
D) All i, ii, iii, iv and v 

Answer: D) All i, ii, iii, iv and v

Question 6:  
The …………….. is code embedded in some legitimate program that is set to “explode” when certain conditions are met.
A) Trap doors 
B) Trojan horse 
C) Logic Bomb 
D) Virus 

Answer: C) Logic Bomb

Question 7:  
Which of the following malicious program do not replicate automatically?
A) Trojan Horse 
B) Virus 
C) Worm 
D) Zombie 

Answer: A) Trojan Horse

Question 8:  
…………… programs can be used to accomplish functions indirectly that an unauthorized user could not accomplish directly.
A) Zombie 
B) Worm 
C) Trojan Horses 
D) Logic Bomb 

Answer: C) Trojan Horses

Question 9:  
State whether true of false.
i) A worm mails a copy of itself to other systems.
ii) A worm executes a copy of itself on another system.

A) True, False 
B) False, True 
C) True, True 
D) False, False 

Answer: C) True, True

Question 10:  
A ………….. is a program that can infect other programs by modifying them, the modification includes a copy of the virus program, which can go on to infect other programs.
A) Worm 
B) Virus 
C) Zombie 
D) Trap doors 

Answer: B) Virus

Question 11:  
...................... is the process of recreating a design by analyzing a final product.
A) Forward Engineering 
B) Reverse Engineering 
C) Backward Engineering 
D) None of the above 

Answer: B) Reverse Engineering

Question 12:  
.................. is simply the use of electronic means to transfer funds directly from one account to another, rather than by cheque or cash.
A) M-Banking 
B) O-Banking 
C) E-Banking 
D) D-Banking 

Answer: C) E-Banking

Question 13:  
The telephone banking service includes ...................
i) Automatic balance voice out ii) Inquiry all term deposit account iii) Direct cash withdraw iv) Utility Bill paymentsv) Voice out last five transactions

A) i, ii, iii and v only 
B) i, ii, iv and v only 
C) ii, iii, iv and v only 
D) All i, ii, iii, iv and v 

Answer: B) i, ii, iv and v only

Question 14:  
Which of the following are the forms of E-banking?
i) Internet Banking ii) Telephone Banking iii) Electronic Check conversion iv) Electronic Bill Payment v) Direct Deposit

A) i, ii, iii and iv only 
B) ii, iii, iv and v only 
C) i, iii, iv and v only 
D) All i, ii, iii, iv and v 

Answer: D) All i, ii, iii, iv and v

Question 15:  
What is the full form of SWIFT?
A) Society for Worldwide Internet Financial Telecommunications. 
B) Secret Wide Interbank Financial Telecommunications 
C) Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications 
D) None of the Above 

Answer: D) None of the Above

Question 16:  
In computer security, ……………………. means that computer system assets can be modified only by authorized parities.
A) Confidentiality 
B) Integrity 
C) Availability 
D) Authenticity 

Answer: B) Integrity

Question 17:  
In computer security, …………………….. means that the information in a computer system only be accessible for reading by authorized parities.
A) Confidentiality 
B) Integrity 
C) Availability 
D) Authenticity 

Answer: A) Confidentiality

Question 18:  
The type of threats on the security of a computer system or network are …………………
i) Interruption ii) Interception iii) Modification iv) Creation v) Fabrication

A) i, ii, iii and iv only 
B) ii, iii, iv and v only 
C) i, ii, iii and v only 
D) All i, ii, iii, iv and v 

Answer: C) i, ii, iii and v only

Question 19:  
Which of the following is independent malicious program that need not any host program?
A) Trap doors 
B) Trojan horse 
C) Virus 
D) Worm 

Answer: D) Worm

Question 20:  
The ……….. is code that recognizes some special sequence of input or is triggered by being run from a certain user ID of by unlikely sequence of events.
A) Trap doors 
B) Trojan horse 
C) Logic Bomb 
D) Virus 

Answer: A) Trap doors

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1 comment:

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